Time Force: Arsenal
Chrono Morpher

They call their morpher "Time For....Time Force".
Quantum Morpher

He call his morpher "Quantum Power".
Chrono Sabers

Each Ranger has access to two Chrono Sabers which can combine to form hands like a clock.
Electro Booster

Trip built the Electro Booster, so the Rangers can overload a monster with power and defeat them.
Vector Blaster

When the Rangers combine all of their weapons together they form the Vortex Blaster a massive cannon.
Left: Vector 1                          Middle: Vector 5                                   Right: Vector 4
Left: Vector 2                                          Right: Vector 3
Quantum Defender
Vector Cycles

Each Power Ranger is equipped with a Vector Cycle.  They are vehicles with intense speed.
Time Jets

The Time Jet is what the Rangers use to travel back in forth at supersonic speeds and jump aboard their Time Flyers.

The Quantum Ranger is equipped with the Mega Battle, a powerful armor that has been created by Alex.

This is the Timeship which the Rangers used to travel back to the year 2001. It was destroyed when they arrived.

The Clock Tower is where the Rangers live and is their new base.
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The Strata Cycle was sent to Wes from the future by Alex. It has a flight mode and a ground mode, and is equipped with awesome firepower.

Red Ranger got the battle warrior from the spirit of white knight. His suit was incredible...even more like knight. He has a battle fire saber.
Time Force Eagle

Quantum Ranger got his first vehicle....This vehicle can ride into past like dinosaur era...Quantum Ranger can handle this tf-eagle.